Invermere District Hospital — Hospital in Athalmer

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Invermere District Hospital

Hospital at 850 10 Ave, Athalmer, BC V0A 1K0, Canada, Athalmer, British Columbia, V0A 1K0 . Here you will find detailed information about Invermere District Hospital: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
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    Open 24 hours


Based on 9 reviews


British Columbia
850 10 Ave, Athalmer, BC V0A 1K0, Canada, Athalmer, British Columbia, V0A 1K0
V0A 1K0

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About Invermere District Hospital

Invermere District Hospital is a UK Hospital based in Athalmer, British Columbia. Invermere District Hospital is located at 850 10 Ave, Athalmer, BC V0A 1K0, Canada,

Please contact Invermere District Hospital using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Invermere District Hospital opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Invermere District Hospital

  • Nevaeh
    Added 2016.05.28
    Absolutely horrible, waited for over 4 hours in extreme pain while being told " just a few more minutes"... waited so long the cold bag they gave me melted... if you need help , your better off driving to Calgary. Thank you Invermere hospital for letting me suffer...
  • Genesis
    Added 2016.05.12
    Absolutely the best care I have ever received in a medical facility. I walked in and was greeted quickly by Katelyn, who took care of me and made my wife and I feel comfortable. Dr. Gooch was very professional and updated me quickly after ever test and lab result.
  • Jaxson
    Added 2016.03.04
    I've been to the ER here twice in the last month. Both times I was ASTOUNDED at the level of care I receive. Special thanks to the nurses, and Dr. Olmesdahl and Dr. Schaffer. Wonderful bedside manner, kind to my spouse and service dog, attentive and helpful, and even followed up with me like they were my GPs. Thanks a million.
  • Jaxson
    Added 2016.02.24
    >>>I would strongly URGE people to NEVER take their loved ones to Columbia House. And if you feel like you have no other choice, make it abundantly clear, from the beginning, that you will not hesitate to take aggressive legal action. I have witnessed that aggression is the only language understood by the health "care" staff at Columbia House.
  • Kinsley
    Added 2015.08.13
    Regarding Columbia House, the Long Term Care ward of Invermere hospital: I cannot begin to describe the extreme bullying there!
  • Isabella
    Added 2014.11.11
    I have always heard Canadian Social Medicine was horrible, but I can attest that the Inveremere Hospital and medical staff that were assigned to me were better than any I have received in the United States. The initial contact with Katelyn was comforting because she was concerned about my welfare, professional and informed. No administrative clerk around making sure that I had insurance or a way to pay for the treatment, in fact no one ever asked how or if I could pay for treatment until I was released by the Doctor.
  • Scarlett
    Added 2014.10.17
    Unless you are a very aggressive bully, I would not recommend working there. However, that said, the bullies enjoy complete control, are promoted and virtually ensured job security.
  • Quinn
    Added 2014.06.02
    Get treated better at a cafe.. Yea they did their job but talk about rude.. Nurses seem to not have any common sense..
  • Bryson
    Added 2013.07.05
    But to give an example of the patient care in that facility: After having been screamed at for answering the call bells, and then screamed at for not answering them; I asked what the guidelines were. I was told, by a NURSE, to "only answer the call bells of patients who 1) are a fall risk AND 2) have families that are likely to sue". Only two patients on the ward met that criteria. There were law suits pending when I was there.
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